Company Description
With over 40 years experience in large and small engine repair, DMB is now open to service in:
-Shrink wrapping
-Storage of Marine and RVs
-Pick up and Delivery
-Inboard/Outboard Service
-Trailer repairs
-ATV repairs
-Sled repairs
-Small Engine repairs
-Prop and Skeg repairs
-Hull cleaning
-Pontoon cleaning
-Boat cleaning
-Lawn and garden
-Full line of parts and accessories
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Small Engine Repairs , boat cleaning , Storage of Marine and RVs , ATV repairs , Winterizing , Trailer repairs , Pontoon cleaning , Pick up and Delivery , Inboard/Outboard Service , Sled repairs , Detailing , Shrink wrapping , Hull cleaning , Lawn and Garden , Prop and Skeg repairs