Company Description
Here at Falkenridge Farm, we believe in raising and growing food in a natural and sustainable way. Although we have always followed most organic tenets, we are currently in the process of becoming officially certified organic. No chemical pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, no GMOs. Our layers and one batch of broilers will also be receiving certified organic feed - everybody else gets a non-GMO diet. And everybody's out on pasture getting their greens! We are also the Muskoka distributor for Jones Feed Mills: currently carrying chick grower and starter (organic and non-GMO), layer crumb (organic and non-GMO), turkey starter and grower (non-GMO), ewe ration, lamb creep, and low fat/easyfeed horse ration. Other feeds available (conventional poultry, swine, assorted horse rations) for order.
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Products & Services
Quality Local Meats , Non-GMO diet for all other animals , Ground Chicken , Raising and growing food in a natural and sustainable way , Whole Free Range Chicken , Lamb Shoulder Blade Chop , Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast , Sliced Smoked Bacon , Pastured Organic Flat Chicken , No chemical pesticides , Raw Meats , Smoked Meats , Muskoka distributor for Jones Feed Mills , Becoming officially certified organic , Steak (Beef) , Pasture-raised animals , No chemical fertilizers , Certified organic feed for layers and broilers , No GMOs , Processed Meats , Pastured GMO-Free Chicken